Thursday, January 12, 2006

An excitement

I'm really excited about what God is going to do this year at our church.
On the 1st of January I cast the vision for the year. I don't know about anywhere else, but right here in Paragould the harvest is ripe and its time we went out and collected the harvest. I believe it is also a time when we start seeing the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit come alive like never before.

So we've started a new outreach ministry to take the love of God to the streets. It doesn't stop there, we've also started a college & career group to reach that age group who feel that there isn't a place to fit in, therefore they don't attend church. This ministry will not be in a church setting but rather a cell group.

This weekend we begin our first revival of the new year, while I was concerned about the timing at first, I believe this is a God thing. Its a God thing because He is going to use this revival to set the tone for what He plans on doing this year in us, thru us, and for us.

In telling you what is happening here at our church and how it is stirring an excitement in me, I also want to encourage you with this word. There is always a time of preparation, labor, and then the delivery. In Kansas and the beginning of our time here in Arkansas we went through a time of preparation, now we have entered the labor phase. The nice thing about the labor phase is that you know the promise is about to be birthed.
So allow your heart to be encourage and let an excitement rise up because there is promise about to be born.

1 comment:

Pastor Jeff said...

Amen, PT. I know that God is doing something in my spirit as well. I have been praying and laboring for a long time, and I sense that the time is here.

It sounds like God is really moving. I am praying alongside you all that you see great harvest in your church. God bless.