Part 3
Possess and Rest
We have passed through the desert,
The answer comes in two-fold. We possess and we rest
Joshua 21:43-45
1) Possess. It’s not enough to make through the desert and get past
A lot of times we stop after getting a portion of the promise, willing to be content with a piece when in truth God wanted us possess the full, complete promise.
If you are satisfied with the portion of the promise then that’s all you will ever have, but if you desire it all, then you need to step into the fullness of the promise and take it.
2) Rest. The Israelites stepped in a possessed their promise. They fought for what was promised to them. The only reason they were able to enter into a time of rest was because the Lord fought the battles for them. Kings, cities, and armies had to be defeated, but God had delivered them all into their hands.
To find rest you must realize that there is still an enemy that doesn’t want you to have the fullness of your promise and so he will fight. Know this, the battle is not yours but the Lord’s. He is the won who brings victory, He is the one who defeats the enemy, and He is the one who brings rest.
I encourage you to go and possess your promise, step into your victory, and find rest.
Good post Pastor!
The enemy loves it when we are willing to settle for second best. I believe far too many of us Christians walk below the level of spiritual bounty that God has for us. Indeed Jericho is just the beginning.
I hope I'm not stealing your thunder, but I might add that after Jericho we must be careful to avoid the sin of Achan. This is fresh on my mind because I preached on the parallel between Achan and Ananias and Saphira this past Sunday. Both sins happened at a time of heightened awareness of God's presence and victory.
For Achan, it was the spoils of Jericho. Ananias and Sapphira were there in the fresh, powerful, glorious wake of the first Pentecostal outpouring. I believe there is a great temptation that awaits us just as we conquer Jericho (that "firstfruits" victory).
Ok- I'll quit preaching now- Hey I liked your outline- I'm sure it preached good.
Here's an AMEN from brother Henry
God bless,
HEHEH Henry I'll be sure to let you know when Troy preaches that ROFL ( or Ill make him let you know hahaha )
That is a great thoguht and very true!
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