Thursday, December 15, 2005

A Mini Me

There is now without a shawdow of a doubt that Kaylin is my child. Hold on just a sec. I've always known she was my child, but she always acted like her mom (Lord have mercy). But the other night we were playing and she was jumping all over me. Well, the area where we were playing was lit very well and for the first time I realized I was staring at a mini version of me. You see, I've only seen pictures of when I was 2, but when I stared at her that night I finally saw what I was like when I was her age, and I just began to laugh uncontrollably. What a joy it is to be a father!

I then began to wonder. When God looks down at me does He see a mini version of Himself? I realize in Genesis it says "let us create man in our image", but its one thing to look like Him and act like Him. I don't believe He's so concerned by our physical appearance as He is with how we act and carry ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I love to have as much fun as the next person, but the truth of the matter is that I desire to be a mini version of my Lord in everything I do and say. To bring joy to the Father!


oldhall said...

I think you're right, P, you're spot on with your analysis. My kids are teenagers, and I've always enjoyed seeing the similarities btw them and 'us', and then contemplating what it means to be designed in the 'image' of someone else. Perhaps more interestingly, what does it NOT mean?

Anonymous said...

Good stuff :) And I can vouch that Kaylin is mini Troy... it can be very very scarey.


But I too want to be a Mini version of Jesus... after all isn't that what being a Christian means.. to be Christ-like?

Henry Haney said...

I always enjoy seeing a little of myself in my girls...even though they are almost carbon copies of my wife...LOL

Nice blog here- I found you through Neil Smith's site.

God bless,

Neil said...

Another Troy is a rather frightening thought, let's hope she doesn't end up 6'3" and bald! Just kidding!

Get to blogging Brother! You haven't posted anything in almost a month, and I've added you two to my favorites list...Get to work!


Ti'el said...

I think a mini Christa would be fun... oh wait... *thinks*... I see what's scary about that... oh dear. Pretty soon Kaylin's going to be beating me at Solitair Showdown isn't she? *sigh*

Great Blog Troyo!!