Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I hear the sound of the abundance of rain

This past Sunday night, we had a powerful manifestation of the presence of God. You could feel the thickness in the air as the worship team led us into the holy of holies.

The prophetic word that came forth, was simply "I hear the sound of the abundance of rain!" You see, there is a cloud the size of a man's fist rising up from the east and the winds of the Spirit is blowing it in our direction (east to west). As this cloud moves closer it's growing in size and intensity. God was telling us Sunday night that it's right on the horizon, just around the corner. This cloud is going to settle over us and the windows of Heaven are going to open and the rain of His Spirit and Glory are going to shower down all over us.
The word concluded with "get ready!" Don't run for shelter or try to grab an umbrella or rain gear, just get ready to get drenched.

This is an exciting word and we are expecting it to happen.

I don't believe that we're the only church that's going to experience this outpouring. I whole heartedly believe that God intends this to happen at every church that will welcome it. That's the key "welcome it". The truth is that there will be those like the disciples in the boat when the storm was raging, they will be overcome with fear, and unfortunately they could miss it all together.
I don't know about anyone else, but I refuse to miss out on what God is going to do!!!


Henry Haney said...

Good post PT and I also wanted to say Congrats on the new arrival. Praise God for a healthy baby.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

well im sorry to say that into your chuch steps out of the walls of the city that feeds them stuff mabey your church can grow im not sayen my church is perfect because its not because thats what my churc needs to do and if you want a great revivel book bro chuck coburn hes a very talented envangelist hes are assestant pastor so i know but if you would like to talk email me at brandt_becky@yahoo.com
ps. im pentecostal lol we baptize in jesus name