Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Prophetic Word

As I was working on my message for tomorrow, I felt God impressing on me the need to post my sermon. I don't know who will read this, but someone needs this prophetic word. I simply pray that if it is you, allow His Spirit to minister to you.


At the beginning of the year I was impressed to present to the church the vision for 2006. I believe that this is a year of harvest, not just for the church but also for the believer.

The bible makes it very clear that there is time and season for everything. We need to realize that there is a season of planting and then there is a season of reaping or harvesting.

Allow me to speak prophetically into your life this day, your season of harvest is here, all you got to do is bring it in. You have planted, sowed, and labored, now go and bring it in.

Jeremiah 5:24

Mark 4:26-29

In order to bring in your harvest you must:

1) Recognize the season – Anyone who has planted or grown something realizes that if you try to pick or harvest before its time you will get: a) nothing, b) very little, or c) a stunted crop not fully ripe and therefore of no value. Whereas if you wait till the harvest is white and ready you will reap 100 fold, a harvest that is more than you can contain.

2) Make room – I believe there is a 100 fold harvest coming your way, but right now you don’t have the room to handle such a harvest. I’m reminded of Joseph in Egypt when he had to build storage for all that was about to come in, and even then they were overflowing. Get ready, make room for the more room you have the more harvest you can hold, but even then it won’t be enough. The bible tells us “running over” and also “exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond”. Get ready!!!

3) Go get it – Notice in our scripture from Mark, that immediately he put a sickle to the harvest. He didn’t just let it sit there, he went out and got it, he labored and he brought it in. The simple truth is that your harvest will not bring itself in you have to go and get yourself. Yes, you still have to labor, but when you see how great the harvest is, the labor will be of little concern, because you will be to busy rejoicing.

I also want to warn you, if you just let your harvest sit the vermin will devour it or it will go bad and you will lose it.

So I ask you this simple question, what will you do?

I encourage you to bring in your harvest, bring in what God has given to you, allow Him to bless you, its yours!

Lord, whoever needed this word, I pray that they would be encouraged by Your Spirit, the would be refreshed, strengthened , and renewed with joy and hope. In Jesus Name AMEN


PT Bigz said...

Sorry if you have been trying to comment or anything, but for some reason my blog wasn't working right, but its fixed now.

Anonymous said...

It was an excellent service honey! I couldn't believe how Judy was glued to the nursery screen heheheheheh

Henry Haney said...

Hey Pastor- I receive your prophetic word. We have had a dramatic increase in our attendance and finances at the church lately, and God has impressed upon me that this is only the beginning.

It took me a week to get over here and read it- but I receive it in Jesus' name! Thanks for being obedient and posting this.

Love in Him,

Darrell said...

That's mine Troy. I receive it, I claim it, and I am taking it!