Thursday, July 26, 2007

My Jamaica Experience part 3


I am glad that I finally listened to God for last night I saw the fruits of my obedience. All I can say about last night is wow...there was such a powerful anointing that when I got up to preach it just began to flow out of me. Oh, the wonderful freedom that comes when there is nothing to rely on except God. I preached about faith using the story of Lazarus. It was truly a prophetic message. Once again the altar service was powerful. Everyone that came forward fell out. I simply laid my hand upon them and said "come forth". At one point I stood on the platform and said "argyle mountain, come forth." I think the whole church exploded with the power of God. Demons even began to manifest, but they were quickly and powerfully dealt with. There is a strongman of witchcraft in these mountains, but God is breaking through. I give God to glory because last night I believe I stepped into the fullness of my calling as a prophetic preacher. All doubt has been erased. God is so amazing.
Tonight I will preach again, once again I leave it in God's hands, I have no choice I only had 1 sermon prepared not 3, but God is faithful.

I entered this Journal on Wednesday, but I'm actually talking about the Tuesday night service. I remember the Bishop saying I might preach, it all depended on whether the other preacher showed up or not. Well guess what the other preacher didn't show, and I was going to preach. I remember sitting in the Pastor's office praying to God, asking Him to give me something. I had about 3 different things running in my mind, but nothing set in stone. So I went out and joined them for praise & worship. Tuesday's night service was geared toward the men, so the men were leading praise & worship, plus there was a mens choir. As I sat on the stage I could feel the presence of God getting stronger and stronger in that place. I remember thinking earlier "God what are You going to do tonight?" As i sat there praying I realized the answer to my question. God was getting ready to descend upon that church as He did before the children of Israel at the mountain. As I was being introduced by the Bishop I suddenly felt the anointing of God rise upon me in a very powerful way. No sooner did I stand and the words just began to flow out of my mouth. The more I preached the stronger the presence of God became. It finally got to the point where I had to stop because it was overwhelming me. Right at that moment the power of God began to fall upon the people and what happened next is the kind of thing you read about in books. People just began to fall out with and without the laying on of hands. Miracles, signs and wonders began to manifest itself, demons even began to act out. I'll never forget one young women, about 17 years old, she was worming around on the floor and growling. I walked over to her laid my hand upon her rebuke the spirit of witchcraft. That thing was holding on for life, the Spirit of God instructed me to grab my Bible and use it as the weapon that God intended it for. I laid my Bible on her belly and that demon exploded out of her like a volcano. It was a awesome display of the power of God. There was another young boy who was manifesting, I remember that thing growling at me and trying to stare me down, but praise God greater is He who is in me, than he that is in the world. The pictures I took at the end are worth a thousand words. There is so much more I could tell, but space is limited. The night ended with people giving their heart's to God. This was one service that I will never forget. In closing God has revealed to me from that night, that the same thing that took place in that church. He desires to do in our church(s). We just have to crucify our flesh, lay aside our traditions, rituals, customs and acknowledge that God is wanting to do something new and maybe even different in our lives and churches.


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